Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 28

Today I picked up our Angel Food boxes.

For $55.00, I got:

4 sirloin steaks
4 boneless pork chops
3 pounds boneless chicken breasts
6 salisbury steaks
bag of breaded chicken cutlets
bean soup mix
huge bag of frozen french fries
1 box of mac and cheese
1 box of instant oatmeal
1 package of hot dogs
1 pound of bacon
1 dozen eggs
4 oranges
4 gala apples
2 pears
1 pineapple
4 pounds sweet potatoes
3 pounds yellow onions
3 pounds red delicious apples
half a vanilla cream bundt cake

And I swear there was more I can't think of off hand right now. There was enough to cover my entire kitchen island, and we have a huge kitchen island.

I didn't even have to get out of my car, they loaded the boxes right into the back for me.

They say it's enough to feed a family of four for a week, but I swear I can stretch that to two weeks.

If it's available near you, I would highly recommend it.

You do have to order ahead of time. I paid for the boxes in February, but I'm counting it toward March since we'll be using it all in March.

So, $55.00 so far in March.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

February 25


I spent 27ish bucks at Village Pizza.

If we ever move again, it will NOT be near a restaurant. I wish we'd never set foot in that place. Sure, their food is heaven on a plate, but it is costing me.

Yeah, remember when I said I was going to limit our pizza intake? BWWHHAHHH.

When the husband goes away, I don't like to cook. I mean, why should I? The only kid who'll use eat it is Jacob, who'll eat pretty much anything, and then I'm slaving away just to put more leftovers in the fridge. Sure I could've just fed them another box of that mac and cheese, but I could smell the philly subs cooking from here and, well, I was weak.

And I got two sandwiches because I couldn't decide.

And french fries because I'm nice like that.

And, you know, throw in a salad because I kinda feel bad not cooking a veggie for my kids.

Oh, and there was the pizza.


27ish bucks. I threw the receipt away because I was too embarrassed to hang on to it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February 24

I went to the good and fancy grocery store bright and early this morning.

In all I spent $84.80. $11.18 of that was pet food and $7.43 was for birthday party supplies. We separate those on our budget so I don't count them as groceries. So my total take on groceries today was $66.18.

The sales expire today, but I did get tangelos, seedless red grapes, blood oranges, and pears for 99 cents a pound so we'll be eating well fruit wise this week. I also scored a six pack of canned dog food for $2. Sure, one was missing, but the regular price was $4.59 so I think it was a good deal for five cans. Ezra usually eats dry food, but we do give him canned food as a treat sometimes and he's old and deserves to be treated well once in a while so I couldn't pass it up.

So our monthly grocery total for February is $267.73. Not bad for a family of five I think. My goal next month is to keep it under $250.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

February 22

Well, for a family on a budget, we sure did spend a lot of money yesterday.

My husband is cheap. Very, very cheap. But if he gets in his mind he wantsneeds something, he gets it. The good thing about this is he rarely wants needs anything, but when the need hits, watch out.

We went to JCPenney yesterday to have the kids pictures taken. I have a Portrait Club card so the sitting was free and I had a coupon for $3.99 a sheet, which is a must because the regular price is $14.99.

So, $58.85 for pictures to adorn our walls.

But then the husband walked a few steps over to the housewares department and found three pictures he had to have for our dining room wall. They were on sale, 50% off, but they still packed a punch at $70.00 each. I think we could've lived with two, he insisted on three, and $215ish dollars later our dining room is almost decorated. I'm not crazy about them, but the husband is, so I think we'll keep them. I'd have rather put that money in the education fund, but oh well. At least it was a semi-deal at half price.

So, $215, say, for more pictures to adorn our walls.

I also learned not to go grocery shopping with the husband. Ever. He makes the kids cry because he won't allow them to snack out of the cereal box like I do and when I say grab a box of the mac and cheese on sale, I ended up with five, so I don't save as much money with him around.

I spent total on groceries/household goods at Kroger: $73.92.

If you have Kroger where you are I got these deals:

Pillsbury crescent rolls - 75 cents
Schick Quattro Razors - $2.49 down from $7.19 with sale and coupon
Pringles - 70 cents a can
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel - 95 cents

And I stocked up on toilet paper, all different brands with double and triple coupons and sales. In all I saved $6.00 on toilet paper. I spent 12 bucks for 36 rolls of TP. And, WOW, has toilet paper gone up. It does disturb me to literally flush my money away like that, but what else can you do?

But I hate Kroger. They advertised milk at $2.49 but rang me up at $2.99 and I threw some Italian sausage into the cart because it was $2.00 but they rang me up at $2.99 for that. I usually watch so carefully, but I missed those two. I did call them on the 99 cent/pound peaches they tried to charge me $2.99 though.

So that brings my grocery spending for this month to $201.55. I was really, really, hoping I could do it for under $250 this month, but not possible. I still have to go to my favorite store on Tuesday for a few things because we are having dinner company that night and I anticipate another fifty bucks there. So now my goal is to keep it under $275.

And then there was $21.10 for a forty pound bag of dog food at PetSmart. Damn dog.

We should only spend $1.75 today for a Sunday paper for more coupons. I am going to do my best to keep the husband away from the stores today.

So, 368.87 today. OUCH.

Yeah, 1500 a year my ass.

Friday, February 20, 2009

February 19

As much as I knew I shouldn't have done it, I went to Target.

My middle child was wearing a pair of Lightning McQueen shoes that were falling apart and he really needed another pair. Sure, I probably could've skipped the shoes and just dealt with the fights upon trying to shove his feet into his sneakers every day, but he likes to just slip these shoes on and go and, honestly, that helps me out a good bit so I decided to splurge on another pair of shoes. And while we were in the shoe aisle, Sister decided she could not live without a pair of almost identical Dora shoes so I threw them in the cart too. They were 11.99 each, on sale from 14.99. Let's hope they last all summer.

The deals I got with coupons and sales were:

Pampers: 8.49
Huggies body wash $1.29 (down from reg. price 2.99)
Purina One dog food absolutely free
Transformers Valentines 74 cents

Valentine kitty book that I'll put in the bucket o' birthday presents box - a quarter

Of course I got sucked into the dollar spot again with some Easter gloves, some glow sticks for the next birthday party, and some birthday balls and toys for the birthday dog (Happy Birthday, Ez!) at 10.00. Sometimes I really hate Target.

I spent 11.15 on milk, bread, bananas, egs, cereal, and some Oreo splurging bringing our grocery total for the month to $127.63. I will make our last grocery trip of the month next week and hope to keep our total under $200 bucks.

So total spending for today was $106.71. Not a great start.

February 20

Through a link from a friend, I learned of a family who was trying to live off only $1500 for a year. That blog has been since deleted, but I was inspired to try my own version of spending frugally, or not all, throughout 2009.

Yeah, I'm late, it's already February, but it's never too late to save a dime, am I right?

Anyway, it's not realistic for our family to spend only 1500 bucks in a year. For starters, we spend $445 each month to send our oldest child to private school. Suze Orman would cringe at this, but for now, this is a necessity and we're willing to cut corners where we can to come up with the tuition. Thankfully, we don't owe another payment until June since we chose to pay by semesters this year.

My husband makes pretty good money, but only on paper. He's taxed pretty heavily and the healthcare contribution for a family of five continues to increase. We recently moved to a nicer and newer neighborhood, something we saved for ten years to do. Our mortgage went up initially only $400 but now with the fancy new-fangled PID tax and a mistake by our mortgage company at closing, we're up $600 more bucks for escrow until it's all straightened out. We can make our payments and won't default because we've kept a savings cushion, but with this increase, we now pretty much pay our bills and that's it. There's nothing left for extras. But we have three kids and birthdays arise and playdates come up and we don't want our kids to sit at home doing nothing for the rest of their lives, so I'm going to budget and shop for the best deals on all our household supplies and groceries, children's clothing, etc. for the next year.

My goal is to save enough money for another year of private school and possible bring our bills down so that child two can attend there as well. I was going to go to the grocery store. I haven't been all week. But I decided to stay home and enjoy the weather and the kids and don't anticipate spending a dime today. We have bread and cheese and tomato soup in the cupboard and I have a frozen lasagna I'll thaw for supper. Usually we order pizza for a kind of end-of-the-week fun dinner, but I'm going to start limiting that to once a month or for special occasions. So, by doing that, I've saved $22-25 bucks today.