Thursday, February 26, 2009

February 25


I spent 27ish bucks at Village Pizza.

If we ever move again, it will NOT be near a restaurant. I wish we'd never set foot in that place. Sure, their food is heaven on a plate, but it is costing me.

Yeah, remember when I said I was going to limit our pizza intake? BWWHHAHHH.

When the husband goes away, I don't like to cook. I mean, why should I? The only kid who'll use eat it is Jacob, who'll eat pretty much anything, and then I'm slaving away just to put more leftovers in the fridge. Sure I could've just fed them another box of that mac and cheese, but I could smell the philly subs cooking from here and, well, I was weak.

And I got two sandwiches because I couldn't decide.

And french fries because I'm nice like that.

And, you know, throw in a salad because I kinda feel bad not cooking a veggie for my kids.

Oh, and there was the pizza.


27ish bucks. I threw the receipt away because I was too embarrassed to hang on to it.

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